481 - D'Angelo - Voodoo - Michael Rapaport




Actor, director, and social media instigator Michael Rapaport opens up about his public image, past mistakes and his love for the neo-soul serenading of D'Angelo's classic 2000 release Voodoo.

Perception is reality, or so they say. But for an emotionally complex, yet inherently antagonistic public figure like Michael Rapaport, the image and persona people see from the outside doesn't fully plumb the depths of his character.

Born in New York City, the actor/director is very much a product of his environment, ever ready to deal out bristling, sometimes caustic arguments, opinions and wordplay at a rapid-fire rate, much like the gritty lyricists who laid the foundations of the hip-hop music he is so passionate about right in his own hometown. Still, there is more to Michael than a quippy tweet or profanity-laden viral video might convey. He loves his children deeply, looks back on his Jewish heritage with great pride, and has a powerful affinity for the sexually incandescent, neo-soul vibrations of D'Angelo's instant classic from 2000, Voodoo.


01:00 – Intro
04:30 – Interview starts
05:30 – The last true soul record
08:15 – Hearing about D’Angelo by word of mouth
09:45 – Michael is a hip-hop snob
13:15 – To be typecast as a sex symbol
19:30 – Learning from someone who doesn’t always know what they’re doing
23:30 – If you want to talk shit you need to be able to take shit
29:30 – Hip-hop: They don’t make it like they used to!
33:15 – This album is a five-course meal
35:45 – Telling the story of A Tribe Called Quest
41:45 – The good and evil in social media
45:30 – The lines that should not be crossed
55:30 – Raising kids is an unsolvable jigsaw puzzle
01:01:15 – Jewish soul food!
01:07:00 – Glory days on the court
01:10:030 – Get used to having your heart broken
01:16:00 – Divorce is never easy
01:24:15 – Robert De Niro is Michael’s guy
01:29:30 – Michael’s estranged relatives better love D’Angelo
01:31:30 – Facts!
01:34:15 – Working with Quentin Tarantino and Woody Allen
01:36:00 – Apparently D’Angelo is a fan of Michael
01:37:45 – Mirroring your parents
01:41:15 – Sometimes you want a day off from being told ‘Fuck you!’
01:44:30 – Outro



Skin” by Dijon