Ann Selzer on Iowa and The Fate of the Democratic Party

Pollster Ann Selzer explains what happened in Iowa. James Carville proposes we let Nancy Pelosi pick the Democratic nominee. Christy 'Numbers' Harvey highlights the lowlights with the White House threatening to remove millions of poor kids from student meal program. Lastly, on the 'Back Page', James suggests a permanent site for the DNC Convention. 

Pollster Ann Selzer explains what happened in Iowa. James Carville proposes we let Nancy Pelosi pick the Democratic nominee. Christy 'Numbers' Harvey highlights the lowlights with the White House threatening to remove millions of poor kids from student meal program.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to 2020 politics war room with James Carville and Al hunt. Uh, James, you're Dan in new Orleans, I think. Uh, but I am here in Washington and American university. Please subscribe, rate and review the show on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. And James, we a as usual art American university. Uh, we are partnering with the sign Institute. They ought to go. Everybody who's listening ought to go on the American university website and look at the sign policy Institute, the seminars they're having this spring on politics. James, you and I should take some of them. I think we could actually learn something. I think we could. And I mean, that's a beautiful university. It is really a [inaudible] get the Verde Invesco's you can imagine. And they, and they have a fabulous president and a fabulous, um, you know, Amy Dacey runs the sign Institute and fabulous.

Speaker 1:

Kyle was our engineer right here with her. So man, we have a real trio here at AAU, uh, and the AAU Eagles women's team this afternoon plays Lafayette. Let's go out to the vendor arena, the vendor arena, Kyle. And uh, and watch it. James, um, the Senate, uh, is going to vote to acquit Donald Trump out of, of high crimes a foregone conclusion since the beginnings and S McConnell put the fix in and hammer and they ignored what I think most of us would agree was an overwhelming case. But you know, what's interesting about this, and I, I really want to get you to weigh in a lot on this. The defense shifted. First it was Trump did nothing wrong. Remember, it was the perfect call then. It was, he really wasn't targeting them to dish dirt on Joe Biden. What he really cared about was corruption. You know, he was the Elliot ness of 1600 Pennsylvania and knew that, that was funny.

Speaker 1:

Finally, it was, well, yeah, he did it, but it wasn't an impeachable crime. You know, boys will be boys, but I just want to make one of the point, I was struck by the Trump lawyers. They were really an all star team for Trump. Ken Starr, the sex obsessed bill Clinton prosecutor who was pushed out of Baylor for ignoring pervasive sexual assault on campus. As we noted last week for the record, we had the lawyer representing some of the women there who put in great detail in great detail how utterly negligent Ken Starr was. Right. And he also, after that, you know, he also represented sexual predator. Jeffrey Epstein joining another Trump lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, who was a social friend of Epstein, but James, it doesn't stop there. Next there was Pam Bondi who tried to smear Joe Biden with a phony charge on corruption. Now she was the Florida attorney general who got an illicit campaign contribution from Donald Trump in 2013 and then a few weeks later, guess what? She dropped an investigation into the fraudulent Trump university. And last but not least, X special counsel, Robert Ray Ray, maybe he is least who was once arrested for stalking. I mean what a team of lawyers. It's kind of like putting together a forum featuring Richard Sackler of the infamous Purdue pharma scam, Ivan Boesky and Bernie Madoff on corporate governance. I mean, it was really something, but you know, it seems they're going to get away with it. What do you think?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. The only thing I would say that, this is what I would say it. This is what I think kind of secretly makes him nervous. This is a moving ball. It sure is. It's not going to stop, right? Yeah. You have a trial you acquitted and then that's a kind of end of the thing. You, you go out in a courthouse steps and you say, great, I'm going home. This is just going to keep coming and coming and coming and coming. We don't have any idea of what's in John Bolton's book. We know he's naming names of people at wind meetings. Right. And we know that, that they, they can't do anything because they'll lose a primary. And so they basically sit there and say, well look, you want me to do this? I'll lose the primary. You know, I might lose the general Tom Delosa or core Gardner, Martha mech Sally.

Speaker 2:

But you know what? If somebody says, if you get their surgery, you're going to live another three months, you're going to take it. And that, that's just a calculation they make. And McConnell holds, holds all the cards but does not, the evidence is not going to stop coming in. It's just gonna keep coming and keep coming. And they got all these court cases. I don't know what the, you know, much confidence in a judiciary anymore, but you never know. They, they, they been the past. They be like throwing a wrench into this kind of thing. And I'd be mortified.

Speaker 1:

That is such a telling point. Just think what's come out in the last week. We've learned much more from John Bolton than we knew one week ago. And anyone who thinks it static analysis, uh, just doesn't understand. [inaudible] let me call out just a few centers for special recognition. There was Lamar Alexander who I first met 40 years ago with Howard Baker and I thought, boy, this may be another Howard Baker. He's turned out to be nothing but a, he is a weak Senator who cared more about Mitch McConnell and getting to the truth. You know, he, I remember him when he ran for president New Hampshire member James, he said, cut their pay and send them home term limits for members of Congress. Well, he's been there 18 years, you know, something. He hadn't cut his pay. Uh, and then he came up with this absolutely ludicrous rationale. Yeah, he did it. But I don't want to hear any more witnesses.

Speaker 1:

I don't need to know anymore. And I'm going to vote to acquitting. Uh, Lisa, who we call Elisa Macau [inaudible]. Uh, and then there was finally Ted Cruz. He was become now a Trump sycophant with all kinds of specious legal reasoning. He used to remember only a few years ago, Trump suggested his father might've been complicit in the assassination of president Kennedy. And he said the Cruz, his wife was ugly. Now we understand why John McCain said Ted Cruz was the most unpopular person in the Senate. And it just finally, I would say I covered the Senate many years ago and I covered Congress. I loved the house more actually, but I had a certain reverence for the Senate as an institution. Whether it was led by Mike or George Mitchell or Howard Baker or Bob doll, no one could have any kind of Reverend for the Senate. Now it's a, it's a sham. It's a travesty. It's truly a disgraceful body and never more so than this week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. You know, we've had this conversation cause they in Taj, it's probably the late eighties. You're an eternal search for the good Republican. All right. Did somebody that kind of stands up? We're just dying for Jake Javits or I don't know who to, you know, Chuck Percy to come back. Thank you. Coming back. Forget about it. Okay. That's just what it is. And you saw this on display. Lamar Alexander was a governor of Tennessee. There was a time when he was so popular he could've won a democratic primary. He was the president of university of Tennessee until this, he had what I would have said a, uh, maybe a career. Disagree with, but at some level, a admirable career and it just throws it over the fucking fence and, and he understand that he couldn't go home. I understand you, you know, I mean some of the Kako who, you know, they did look what they did to him. Who a good mayor. Chattanooga does this is that they did everything is carpet bond and you're just not going to find it. The whole Susan Collins thing, was it just a total setup? I write it and they gonna Mitt Romney's a one term Senator, they go primary. Here's I S I can tell you, but maybe not because by the time all of the evidence comes out, they might reelect him. I'll take that back. He have some chance to be reelected and Utah of all places.

Speaker 1:

It's not Tennessee. He's not my endless search for the perfect Republican. But I think he did this. I, you know, I really give Romney credit on this one. I think he did this out of conscience. Uh, I don't think he didn't as Susan Collins had her finger to the wind, but, uh, this was done and I, he got a lot of heat. That new woman, a Senator from Georgia who's petrified that, uh, Doug Collins who made a fool of himself and the, uh, how soon a sugar man is going to beat her in a primary. So she went and had been around me supporter and now accused him of being a, uh, you know, a liberal Democrat or pandering to him. I mean, the whole thing is just makes you sick.

Speaker 2:

Let's unpack Georgia for a second because there is a real political story to be told about joining. So Cynthia Isaacson, who's actually a friend of mine, ran, ran against the Island in 1990. But knowing him, I've gone to dinner with him and I get along with that. Bison. Okay. Vicky particularly courageous politician, but he's our good guy. So the governor has a near death experience with Stacey Abrams, who I always thought was smart until she said that she was going to be president by 2040 which tells me that she'll never be president because she said that in any smart person, although I'm sure she wants to be president. Yeah, no smart politician would ever say that. All right. That it's almost a disqualifying thing to say now. So, so Brian Kemp, who was the right wing governor, Georgia Savile was in front of him. Instead of Trump, people wanted to put dark Collins in there and he saw what was happening in the suburbs and he puts in Kelly.

Speaker 2:

She of course, you know, thinks she's in the establishment lane. You're not an establishment lane woman. You get into goddamn Trump lane. Are you done now? But at two people up in my sources in Georgia, tell me the Democrats on the verge of recruiting two really good candidates. All right. This is not in camp, has lost control of the Republican party and George, because he's conflict and he knows he came when reelection with the same demographic deck. Did he hit a different demographic deck he had in 2018 and he was trying to escape it and they wouldn't let him escape. And if Chuck Shuman, JB in the entire democratic senatorial committee doesn't go into Georgia and I'm in going there like Sherman went in there like all in all in there crazy th th th th they, they chant that you pick up two Senate seats. It would be malpractice not to win one of those Georgia seats.

Speaker 2:

And we got a, we got to, yeah, you could pick up couch. You got at a minimum, they actually thought before that the producer seat would be a little easier than the office seat. I don't think they think that anymore. I think they both equal and we got, I don't want to say names, but they come at Senator David Perdue. Right. But they, they, they, they're on the verge of getting two good recruits, two good recruits. Well, that would be, I mean it'd be aforementioned Stacey Abrams really wanting to be president in 2040 she had been one of those running for this seat. It would be better. I mean, I don't know who those are. You're much more informed with that than I am. But I think it'd be better to get a strong African American candidate for one seat. I'm just not comfortable putting names out because friends of mine told me, but, but, but, but at any rate, I think you're on the verge of a really good combo going in and knowing that, you know, Senator Schumer B, you know, he, he, he, he, he ain't gonna give up on this.

Speaker 2:

I don't have any doubt. No, no, I think you're right. And that was a, that was a consequential vote. And now Collins is primary and the columns getting into primary now, and he's going to beat her. She's gonna. She, she's trying to prove she's a Trump person. Right? He's going to beat her. I mean that Georgia is something that we should follow. And this show, we should follow Georgia in this show. Well, and that is really urgent. And North Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina. Let's make those two States a prime subjects. I was born in Georgia, so I'm kind of sympathetic to it. Yeah. But, and well, and also North Carolina is a Senate race. Oh, in Israel, all Carolina, the Democrats will get a higher percent North Carolina we'll get in Wisconsin. That's my prediction going in a 2020 house races. I mean it's really big. Let me go back to the uh, impeachment vote though and the point that we were making earlier, that more stuff is going to come out.

Speaker 2:

I think, you know, there's like it, this is future shock. So much happens. You forget on Thursday what happened on Wednesday, John Bolton came out and John Bolton is a guy who I have disagreed with 98% of the time, but no one has said that John Bolton is not a person who has convictions. One of the complaints against him by his critics is that he is a person of his convictions. He's been accused of a lot of things, a lot of bad policy, uh, views. And they're like, I've never heard John Bolton called a liar. Uh, but, and so he, and he also is a meticulous note taker. So he is claiming that he was in this meeting, that Trump two meetings at least, that Trump directed him to do this. Trump, of course, as always, and all the minions sycophants around him say, Oh, he's wrong. He's a liar.

Speaker 2:

Well, interestingly John Kelly, John Kelly, who was Donald Trump's chief of staff, Donald Trump appointed him a former decorated military veteran. Who knows all the people there said, I believe John Bolton, he takes notes. He's honest. I think John Bolton is there and for the Senate, not to call him, makes it half a trial. That's from John Kelly that I mean you, if I am Martha McSally or Cory Gardner, there's going to be more John Kelly's in the next two, three, four months. Uh, and I guess there, I guess, you know, they're just so scared that they can't, uh, uh, they have to ignore, they have to put their conscience and their integrity in a blind trust. So let's contrast, let's let, let's contrast to people. All right. Rex Tillerson and John bolt, right? Rex Tillerson was appointed. There was a kind of general convergence at Yas. He's a Republican, but he said about, Louisa had a, uh, Exxon, he was the head of the boy Scouts.

Speaker 2:

He, he was, he was a great Texan. Uh, he, he would know something. Oh, whatever. He has been reduced to a pile of salt. All right. He's a humiliated disgraced. Oh man. John Bolton was like thought to be this internal, really ideological right-wing guide. It couldn't even get confirmed by a Republican Senate. All right. But the problem areas, he bought a knife. He bought a gun to a knife fight. Yeah. And he, he, he's a guy that knows the ins, you know, like maybe the Rex Tillerson knows the inside of the energy business. He knows the inside of Washington. And Rex Hilson allowed himself to be humiliated. Bolton said, no, not, not so much, guys. And that's, that's, that's the danger of when you insult a hundred people, the odds, all one will come forward. And that's exactly what happened here. Somebody came forward. And, and if you look at all of these other people who stood there, who were humiliated, who would disgraced who, who were fired by somebody else, and you know, they got the, they got what they deserve. I, I in some sense, I want to feel sorry for Rex Jellison in another sentence, man. G we just weak. You will, we could end rainwater.

Speaker 1:

It. I've just finished the best book I have read on the Trump administration far better than, uh, even Bob Woodward's or you know, any of the others. Uh, and it's called a very stable genius. There's a lot of irony in that title, uh, by the two great Washington post reporters, Phil Rutger and Carol. And I mean, you read it. And even if you know a lot about it, even if you have a very, very, uh, jaundice negative view, you think bear is a corrupt criminal who was unstable in the white house. You're shocked by some of these stories and it, and it's page after page after page, and it's detailed. It's with great specificity. Uh, and I would say anybody who's on the fence and those senators that should have been required reading this week,

Speaker 2:

it don't matter. They could read, they can read anything. They, they, they don't want to lose a primary. Let's turn to the [inaudible]

Speaker 1:

Democrats in the Iowa caucuses, which is a on Monday after spring training. Opening day is on Monday. Uh, and the stakes are huge for 50 for Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, who based on at least a little bit of reporting out there are one, two, everyone's waiting for tonight for an cells. There's final Iowa poll and we'll find out. Uh, I, you know, something I, everybody seems to think of the conventional wisdom is that Bernie's going to win Iowa. He has the surge. I just have a hunch that Joe Biden might, might surprise, uh, which he usually doesn't do. And, but if he does, I'm going to give credit. I'm going to give credit to Joni Ernst and some other Republicans. Cause I think the efforts to smear Biden have backfired and created a certain vote for him that might've not had been there beforehand.

Speaker 2:

I hope you're right. Uh, I actually think, uh, about, I've been in California, been doing a bunch of events, I did things, I've come to a, a weird conclusion to some extent. Maybe the best storyline is for Lauren to do better than people things because a rejuvenated chastise. Warren is going to be much harder for the Bernie bros to, to, to, to have a schism. And if Biden is nominating, I'd be totally thousand percent happy. Everything D you're gonna, you're gonna have a schism in and you don't need much. Your Nater costs us the presidency. Jill Stein costs us the presidency. I am worried sick about a splint effort in a democratic party, sick. I don't think Trump has any hidden power. I don't buy any of that. But what he can do in, in, in, in with the electoral college, if he has a splinted democratic party, he can get back in.

Speaker 2:

I think the best for a unified democratic party is that you have a rejuvenated Warren and comes back. I don't know if she can, I don't know. She can. But if she does, she has redemption on the side and then she can say I learned a lot and she can quit chasing Bernie's left tail because she found out that isn't going to do you any good. These people want the real thing. But that's, that's my kind of thought right now. I ate, I'd be happy out of my mind if Biden ran. I w I agree with you. I think she may have lost that opportunity. I think if she had done that a month ago it was possible. And I don't know. I you all, because I was surprised as in the past and it may again right now indications are she's not going to do that.

Speaker 2:

And if Bernie wins it or you know, wins New Hampshire, right, he gets gonna make it even harder. She would be very hard for the Bernie people to walk away from. I agree with it. And you know, walk away is what a lot of them plan to do. Date. They plan to do it as part of that scheme. It's what they are. And the democratic national committee made a colossal mistake they gave to Bernie a year or so ago. And they said the super delegates could not vote, uh, on the first ballot at the convention. Now let me just go through this for about 40 seconds. What superdelegates are, they are the elected officials. They're the democratic party. They're the people who voters send to the house, who voters send to state houses. Uh, you know, that is what the party is supposed to be all about. And the fact that they were 15% or 17% of delegates at a convention, uh, they are, they are not all establishment, uh, candidates at all.

Speaker 2:

They went, actually they swung for Obama in Oh eight when Hillary was the establishment candidate. But what they do is they understand both two things, winning elections and governing. So they made a huge mistake. Now would be a huge mistake to try to overturn that, as some are talking about, cause that'll just give the Bernie people even more ammunition. And I, it's a real danger. The whole thing is just fraught, uh, with explosiveness right now. Well, you're not gonna like this, but I'm just gonna say it. Bernie has never been vetted because he ran against Hillary and you couldn't vet anybody that was running against Hillary because the theory was that she was gonna win. So you had to keep the vote total down. I agree with that. And that's why didn't you York times said the Russians were not involved on behalf of Trump.

Speaker 2:

I, but that's what I think. I, I he, he has never, he's sitting out there in it. He has never, never, this guy is like running first. He ran for president before and if it wouldn't be for John [inaudible] and Ron Brownstein, we would know nothing about him. And I am sorry. And if you talk to people in the press, they say, well, have somebody bring it up. They never had to have anybody bring up anything on the Clinton that the press was gleefully out there sending people, making deals with the guy who did the Clinton clash book cash book. Let me repeat that. The New York times made a financial deal with a guided rote Clinton cash. All right. It is Emma speaking the truth? Is that true? I don't know. I know, of course it's true.

Speaker 1:

I, I'd like, I, I would agree that Bernie has not been vetted. And what happens, what happens is that you go and Bernie is the only criticism are you for public option or are you for single payer big debate over that, you know, that is such child's play compared to what the Republicans would do to him in the fall. Uh, and, and if, if, if the press and the other opponents don't do more now, uh, I don't think Bernie is going to be the nominee, but if he is, it would be just a total [inaudible]

Speaker 2:

disaster. Let me repeat. The New York times had a financial deal or cope publishing deal with the guy that wrote Clinton cash. That's a fact. It's a fact that Jill Stein was a Russian agent, but I, I, we can't whitewash history. All right. They just can't whitewash hints. We can't say, well, it's just way it is. What led to this in American politics is not, it is in part because of that. All right. It's in part, it's not totally [inaudible] if you look at it, but we just can't deny history. Just can't deny history. History is history. They did say that. How many look at the harvest history. I'm telling you it's true. They made a deal with the Clinton cash, Scott. Okay, go look at the Harvard study is to how many goddamn email stories they did the whole press and we say, well it just happened

Speaker 1:

James, I'm not an a looked at the Harvard study. I had taught a course on the Harvard study, so I am well aware of that and well where are the critiques? And I think the issues now is where are we, where are we today and what's going to happen in the next couple of months. And I think the democratic party has a golden opportunity. Trump cannot win this election, but there is a very good chance the way it's going that the Democrats could blow this election. And it seems to me that that is, that that really is a threat that's beyond anything we've ever had before. And I think that's,

Speaker 2:

it has a very good chance that the party splinters. But we do a shout at people listened to us for something more than cable TV. All right? And they are people that caused us to get to this point in American politics. All right. No single person have no single entity or institution is totally responsible, but they are complicit people out there and they are, and I'm just, I'm just going to name them. I don't care. What are you gonna do to me? They just, it just is. I have a gazillion friends. I write, I look, I counted the number of people at work at the New York times that I have on my cell phone, but way whitewash in this anymore. I'm not. All right, so let's move on because I'm scared to death. I'm petrified for the United States.

Speaker 1:

New York times is a great newspaper that is like, like great institutions has made mistakes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a dare. Right? Mistakes were made. I was just going down a highway and some, there was just a goddamn mistake. I mean, look into Christopher Caldwell book. Basically people like me, right? I'm 75 I grew up in Southern politics and I always in a bag of my mind thought this entire thing was about race. They should all know it's about the military and fiscal responsibility. It's about, you know, Clinton's sexual escapades. So the leading light boat of the conservative intellects as the entire thing started with the enforcement provisions of the civil rights act of 1964 okay. You and North Carolina in 1964 I was in Louisiana in 1964 what did they think it was? Just people would voluntarily comply with it. They do. People really believe that if this guy came out and all of the concerns, yes, he has a great point. There was an, it was a rewriting of the constitution. It was the second constitution. Gary wills, according to these people was wrong. Lincoln didn't rewrite the constitution at Gettysburg. The constitution was rewritten because of the enforcement provisions of the civil rights act. It's like, okay, thank you. I'm 75 somebody came up and said, you know, James, you and all your friends will write and thank you. Let's move on.

Speaker 1:

There is one person who knew that at the time and that was Lyndon Baines Johnson who predicted exactly what has happened would happen and uh, I mean we all should be, this is a much better country because of what they did in 1964 and 65 and 68 when that legislation, but you're right, uh, it, it, it enabled those who both overtly and those who covertly today play the race card and that's a key part of, um, unfortunately that's a key part of the Republican constituency today.

Speaker 2:

We're now no, all right. It is. He and I, I've already just got FTE every now and any. Seems like a good writer. You know, I thought he was, uh, he is, he is, if you read reviews of this book, he is an intellectual God to these people and he was being totally honest. He's being totally honest. It didn't just matter in the saddles. It mattered in Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania, in Minnesota, in, in, in, you name it, it mattered Iowa. It mattered in Oregon. All right. If the reason I dredge up history is because history is actually instructive. There's something to fucking learn from this. And this is, this is the foundation, you know, you can't say it. And I said, well, gee, why did Ronald Reagan go to Philadelphia, Mississippi to open his campaign? I know why. I know why. And I, I've seen all kinds of apologetic. Oh, well it was just, it was just about, you know, people controlling their own destiny. Oh, come on, man. I've got, I've listened to this crap all my life. I live with it in I, I'm nice. I know exactly what is behind this. And I've always known and it's now it's confirmed to me. So we'll move on. But that, that I've always thought that you and I have had 5,000 phone calls, you know, I've always believed that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do. I agree with you. I agree with you. We're moving on to a really high level though, James.

Speaker 2:

Now we turn to our favorite part of the program. Christy numbers Hardman who not only is with us today, Jane, she's here at AAU in person. And the only thing better than heaven, numbers in RV, uh, on her microphone and home is having numbers Harvey in person if they're rare. Christie Harvey's sighting. Hi. Bellas how are ya? All right. I have two numbers

Speaker 3:

for you today. Um, I'm going to start off with one that is an issue that's really close to my heart and I'd love to hear you guys talk about it. Uh, 3,907, so that's how many people in Arizona accidentally voted in the wrong precinct in 2016. Uh, and under former Arizona law, that meant those votes were just thrown out. They did not count out of there. Uh, the same went for anyone who gave their sealed early voting ballots to somebody else to mail. They were thrown out out of there. But this week a federal appeals court ruled that these kinds of restrictions will no longer stand, uh, in large part because as you guys know, they penalize, um, people who live in poverty, they penalize African American and Latinex voters. Um, so I think this to me is really good news, but Al, I know this is something that's been really close to your heart for years.

Speaker 1:

Well, I, I, you know, praise that federal appeals court judge, you know, this is the tip of the iceberg. This is part of a very concerted effort by mainly Republicans and conservatives to disenfranchise people. We talked earlier about those seminal civil rights bills that increased opportunities in the franchise back in the 60s. They're now trying to reverse a lot of this. Georgia was and Arizona, fortunately the guy running for secretary of state wanting to print all ballots in English only now, guess who that was aimed and, and you know, Stacey Abrams, who we talked about earlier, probably lost that Georgia race because they threw so many people off the rolls. They ended early voting in North Carolina for they, excuse me, they ended one week of early voting in North Carolina. Guess who that disadvantaged African Americans, young people. It's going on everywhere and it really is a disgrace. Uh, and you know, three cheers for that federal court of appeals. But boy, this is going to have to be litigated every single day between now and November because that's the effort they think. If we can't win legitimately, we gotta throw people off the rolls a win that way. James, how do we use this success to build success in other places and really get this momentum moving again?

Speaker 2:

So what, what you have to do is in a Democrats have never perfected this or something called politics. The way that you excite people about the right to have is to tell people that somebody is trying to take about an Alberta disagree. This is not mostly from conservatives. It's 100% it's not mostly if there's no other culprit in this, all right? Did they know they're not going to win these States? If you've let people, if you let people vote, all right, and they're going to do everything they can to stop people from voting and you need to do everything you can to tell people in run ads, run going internet, go on social media and say these are the people that fought for your right to vote and now you're not going to [inaudible] and they're still fighting against it. And the fact that Martin Luther King is dead are Vernon Jordan is old and out of the game or are John Lewis or anything else?

Speaker 2:

You have to pick up the torch. You have to make this about something bigger than just going out and vote in the democratic party. Or are these interest groups don't start doing this and stop filing these all equal. Go ahead and file all the legal brief you want and you may win a bit. Who knows some court every now and is going to let you win a case. You have to go out and energize people in the sense that somebody fought to give you a right and that right is not in cement. That right is being challenged. Now and it is up to you, you individual to exercise that in fight for that. If you do that, you can, you can, you can really affect an election. We just give up. We just let people run over us. But why do you think we want six hours?

Speaker 2:

The popular vote in six out of seven election, we let the fucking Bush V Gore run right over us and just accepted it and I want to go back and read editorial. So I just got out of tactical and spoken as well, but a nation of laws and they were people that I know that are petrified by Trump that kind of agreed with it. And this is the, you're not going to beat this thing by Oh well it's just one side has a point where I, maybe we have a better point than they do. No tell. Telling somebody you can't vote is not telling them how you can vote is not a better point. It's the only point. The only point,

Speaker 1:

well not only is it the only point, but they come up with this absolutely excuse that there is voter fraud. Let me just give you one example. North Carolina tried to do it. They said, well, there's voted for now. There was a very good study done by a couple of professors, uh, and they found that basically out of 4.8 million people voting, this wasn't fraud, 508 votes might have been illicitly cast usually by mistake. That was one 100th of 1% at the same time ending that one week of early voting. It is, they, they concluded meant that about 18,000 voters couldn't vote despite almost overwhelmingly young and African and African Americans, Latinos, five Oh eight versus 18,000. It's a total scam and it's going on all over the place and it really threatens the core of a democratic system. But what about Hillary's email? Sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 3:

The only quibble I have with you guys is I don't think we can sit. I don't think we can sit around and wait for the democratic party to take up that fight. I think we have to, everyone who listens to this podcast, take 10 minutes right now, be a real war roommate and post something about how angry you are that they're trying to take away your right to vote, how much you support things like this, Arizona law being overturned and take the fight.

Speaker 2:

True. I agree. You know what? I've got a number for you, Harvey. Okay, go ahead. I've got one number four. I've got four. Okay. My three favorite free mails are Mary, Maddy and Emerson. My fourth is you, Christie. [inaudible]. I'm going to tell you that she Pelosi that you said that by the way, Jane. I love Nancy. Goddamn. Oh, Judy or anybody. Okay.

Speaker 3:

All right. I go, I got one more and that's 54 so you guys know and give me hell for it. But I'm a sports monogamist like baseball has my heart. I'll cheat on baseball once in a while with little basketball. Every once in a while I'll step out with a little tennis, but I, I have one true love. So super bowl Sunday isn't usually my thing until this year. Um, I didn't even know who was in the Superbowl or kind of when it was, but then I saw a commercial for the chiefs that was so heartwarming and got me all fired up and their whole backstory, it's now I'm totally in the tank for the chiefs. Um, but no one should listen to me cause I literally am making all of this decision on a commercial with a puppy in it. That made me cry. So, uh, James, where are you going with this? Who do you got this,

Speaker 2:

our original thing was called two old white guys. Andy Reed is an old white guy. I'm pulling for India Rae Shanahan. Panelists can win 10 super bowl [inaudible] right. So I am, so I identify [inaudible] and I'm probably gonna get in trouble for being a racist but identify with old white guys. They have a soft spot in Maui cause I've lived in, if I would own African American gods, Hispanic guys too. But okay, that's probably a massage and it's no, but now I am pulling for Kansas city desperately in my homes if you're a baseball person. But what has happened in sports, when Alvin, I grew, if there was a ball, we will find, I, I don't, I'm not a baseball guy. Football guy, basketball guy. I like any, if it's in season and somebody who's throwing it, hitting it, catching it, kicking it, I'm fine. I don't give a crap and I'm, I'm excited going into this season and the nationals, I've already got my preseason thing.

Speaker 2:

Nope. No one in the world was more excited about college football. And I was, I'm actually, people call me and say, Hey, I don't care if it's the super bowl and more in a, you know, for awhile, because we were out of it. Now a Campbell, of course I'm gonna watch the game Sunday. And of course I'm a pull for Kansas city and I know that the saints got robbed last year, but it doesn't matter. I just keep coming back. I'm just, I'm just a sucker. And by the way, watch out for the new Orleans pelicans. Just warning. I'm just telling you, watch out. These sons of bitches are coming, man. They all come in and, and you know, not a, the Greek freak is coming to town and I'm going to be out of town. You told me a lot that proved to be true about politics.

Speaker 2:

Who told you [inaudible] is going to be dead on, is going to be the brand that she did and is he ever right you? He is in. You did and I'll give you credit, but you are not alone now. I mean I saw Peter group who is raising money in, in, in, in Beverly Hills and he owns part of the warriors and he's a really, really, really small guy. I think he also owns one of the Dodgers. I'm not sure if there's some concern and you should ask knowledgeable basketball people about this. The design comes down too much on one leg and given his weight that he can do that for a few years, but it's going to tear him up and he's got to learn how in I Peter said, I do know Peter is a really, really, really, really smart guy right now. Maybe somebody I, I'm not saying that's 100% true, but I'm going to inquire about knowledge of people and you know, a lot of people in high end sports medicine and is this a concern or it's just just something that somebody on the warriors told him.

Speaker 2:

Boy, it makes sense. It does. It does. And you think about it, you know, a guy weighs 280 pounds. I've never seen anyone that big who's that explosive. And when you put those two together, I think that makes a, you know, a great deal of sense to be concerned. You know, you know, by the same token, going, going back to the super bowl, um, you know, I thought Lamar Jackson, you know, deserve the MVP, the Ravens quarterback. But this is kind of a, uh, you know, the football equivalent of Zion. You can't run the way he ran for another eight, 10 years and survive in the national football. See Michael Vick by contrast, Patrick Mahone's runs when he has to and he's great when he does. I think he is now. He is the Tom Brady in the sense that he is the best quarterback in the NFL. And I'm with you.

Speaker 2:

I'm pulling for the old white guy, coach Andy Reed. Uh, and uh, I'm also gonna go out on a limb and predict the chiefs by theory. That's a real limit I have to take. Go ahead. I wanna I want to do a Christie number 250 Sunday. My home church parish, st Gabriel Catholic church is celebrating his 250th anniversary as a church parish. The church that I've made my first communion in is the oldest standing house of worship in the entire Louisiana purchase. You know, we have a, in the United States, we have a shot of history and most people don't have you go to put, you know, Brahmi founder of judge's building 900 or something. Right. But that is a pretty remarkable thing and my parents are buried there. My system of brother, and it is remarkable thing. The fact that the 250 years in that church is still standing. I think it was built in psych 1767. And it, you should go online and look at it because people had no architecture. Tell me the lines in the architecture. This is a Marvel, photographers can't stop shooting this church. And so I, I, my, my heart goes out and I want it to James, how do you go online? Just as you Google Saint Gabriel Catholic church and it'll, it'll all, it'll all pop up in front of Gabriel Catholic church.

Speaker 3:

Put a link on our Twitter page and make sure that people are able to find it really easily. So I've just come to, uh, the politics worm 2020 Twitter page.

Speaker 2:

It's all, am I good?

Speaker 1:

A back page for now? I would just end with one thing. Uh, my wife's mentor and dear friend, uh, James lair, uh, was put to rest, uh, this week. Uh, and, and it was a one, I went to the ceremony yesterday, a little Methodist church right across the street from AAU. It was one of the great services I've ever seen. James, it was, they had, uh, the Marine singer there, the Marine quartet there, James Lake or Jim layer. Like you was a proud Marine. They sang the Marine hymn, they sang amazing grace and 15 people spoken, you know, if you have 15 people speak, you gotta have a daughter too, right? Not a single one. Everyone was great. And in this age when we have, you know, the Kellyanne Conway's talking about alternative facts and yelling and screaming about fake news. Jim lair is just a beacon for what we all should be about.

Speaker 2:

He was, and you know I, you notice story and I totally tell you, Jim Lehrer was a huge deal in Washington and PBS is considered a coastal thing all to just see us. All right? NPR, your name on the five o'clock news in new Orleans, which in the five o'clock news is to breezy lost cats, kind of covered right weapon. The second story Jim Lehrer had, he had CRAT an influence and he had respect all over the United States all over. He was a, he was a giant of American journalist. And, and that just, I don't know, for some reason that impressed me because sometimes I think maybe we just live in our own bubble. We don't, he impacted people's lives from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast. It was an amazing light. He was a man of amazing contributions and I hope we learned something. Well that's so well said.

Speaker 2:

And, and, and you told me that and I told his, his wife and I cannot tell you how, uh, how that, um, uh, how she loved that she just lit up when, uh, I told her about that new Orleans newscast. I don't mean this sarcastically at all. I mean from the bottom of my heart. It's wonderful that you have 15 people at speak at your funeral in Washington, but let's not forget this man's influence went way beyond Washington D C it went all across the country and he is going to be remembered and respect. Yeah, I agree fondly as he well should be. Boy, that's, that's for sure on that there is complete total agreement. Uh, we were doing this show, uh, at the end of the week, this week because there was so much going on. We wanted to wait to see, uh, when the Senate caved. They caved on Friday. Uh, and, uh, but we'll be back, uh, next, next week after the Iowa caucuses and after the state of the union. Oh, I just can't wait for that. So, James, you have a good weekend, uh, and, uh, be safe and, uh, we'll see you next week. Absolutely happy. John 50th, Saint Gabriel Catholic church, Saint Gabriel, Louisiana.

Speaker 2:

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